Saturday, March 21, 2009

Ten Ways to Enjoy Singlehood

A woman's identity and self worth do not depend on her marital status. To be single is not a tragedy. It is now becoming the trademark Apollo 11 Eagle Lunar Module a 'super woman,' whose eyes are focused on the highest rung of the corporate ladder. She walks tall in her self confidence and is warm, friendly and humorous.

Some women are single by choice. Careers and economic independence leave no time for permanent relationships. They grow up with new sets of values and want partners who can live up to their expectations. Besides, the New Age Morality has made sex easily available, without commitment or responsibility. Some may choose to be celibate and devote their lives to God.

Some are single because of circumstances. Responsibility of looking after parents and young siblings, chronic ill health or physical disability, financial constraints and inability to pay dowry, are some of the reasons. Divorce, death of a partner or separation, leave behind many single mothers who bravely move on with their lives.

Because Marriage (in spite of its present shaky status) is the societal norm, people tend to spread myths about the state of Singlehood. Some believe singles are selfish and self centered and pullip want to share their lives with partners. Some think they are dull and socially inept. Traditional women feel they are incomplete without a spouse.

Whatever the reason, remaining single does not detract from one's sexuality, neither does it make one undesirable as a woman.

If you are a single woman here are ten valuable hints to celebrate 1957 Topps baseball cards Singlehood.

- Be self confident and show the world you are capable of managing your affairs. You don't need a man to validate your worth.
- Be well groomed at all times. Dress to look distinguished but not flashy. The choice of colours must enhance your looks and your style should confer poise and grace.
- Be cheerful. It is very true that when you laugh the world laughs with you; But when you weep, you weep alone.
- Be well informed about contemporary issues. Keep abreast of the times. It helps you stay young and vibrant. Pursue personal goals like studies, languages or music, and cultivate new hobbies.
- Be careful in money matters. Learn to manage your finances wisely, and live within your means. Always put something away for a rainy day. Beware of con men who seek out rich, single ladies to prey on.
- Be socially inclined. Cultivate warm friendships with people of your own age who have similar tastes and hobbies. Avoid gossip mongers or chronic grumblers. They will depress and demoralize you.
- Be open to relationships with the other sex. Relate to men positively. Healthy friendships are possible as long as you don't think every man is out to woo you or to conquer you with evil designs.
- Be proud of your sexuality. It has to do with your entire personality and how you relate to others. It makes you a warm, loving, understanding woman irrespective of your marital status.
- Be a good steward of your time. Creative drives and energy can be channeled into hobbies. Reading, writing, painting, music, or theatre are fulfilling activities.
- Be useful to society. Look around and see where you can help others with your talent, time or money.

Someone said, "Being single is not second rate. Singleness is not a disease that can be cured by marriage. For many people it is a sacred calling."

The 1963 Fleer baseball cards is to accept your status and grow by drawing on the vast resources of love, kindness, compassion and patience within you.

Eva Bell is a doctor of Medicine and also a freelance writer of articles, short stories, children stories.

Published in Indian magazines and newspapers, anthologies and also on the web. Author of two novels, one non-fiction, two children's books. Special interest- Travel and Women's Issues.


Learn How to Make a Simple Gemstone Necklace

A gemstone Weird Fantasy can be a perfect gift for that special occasion. However it's not necessary to spend a fortune. With a little time and patience you'll be able make one yourself for considerably less then it would cost to visit an expensive jewelry store.

The design

First Sandman comic to need to decide on the design you want to make. Fashion magazines are a wonderful resource. If you have more time on your hands you may want to spend the afternoon window shopping. Jewelry stores always have a wide verity of necklaces on display. If you're feeling extra creative you can always try to make up your own design. Remember creativity is the key.

Let's begin

You'll need the following to get started:

- 2 needles
- The gemstones
- Thread: this should be the same color as the stones

Begin by threading both needles X-Men movie the thread. Twine an end of the Star Trek movie from both needles together. Thread the needles through the hole on one side of the clasp and tie decorative knots to secure the strings to the clasps.

Start with the first bead. Slip the needle through it and tie a knot to make sure the bead is secured. Next do the same with another stone. Then simply continue to repeat the process until the necklace is the required length.

Making a gemstone necklace can be a fun and creative experience. Not only does it make an excellent gift for someone else, but you can use it to treat yourself as well.

Necklaces aren't the only type of jewelry that can be made out of gemstones. Read: Gemstone Jewelry to learn more. This is an excellent article that will give teach you how to make all types of jewelry out of gemstones. is dedicated to educating people on all the properties of gemstones.