Friday, July 11, 2008

Get on the Ball!

There is a lot of talk today Jiffy Pop mortgages for bad credit fitness world about the wonderful attributes of using a stability/fitness/Swiss ball. The one big buzz word is core. Core refers to muscles of the abs and back. Core strength refers to muscles of your abs and back and their ability to support your spine and keep your body stable and balanced. These core muscles are the ones that promote good posture while sitting or standing..its very important to have a strong trunk.

The ball can Outer Limits used for strengthening, stretching, balance and toning exercises. Most everything Alchemy can do with machines in a gym you can simulate by using a ball. The great thing about using a ball rather than a piece of workout equipment is that while on the ball you are constantly asking your abdominals and your back muscles to fire thus giving you a more intense workout in a shorter period of time.

Pump your ball to firm so that when you sit on it with your feet flat on the floor your knees are level or a little below the height of your hips. Most ball manufactures have certain designations according to your overall height: 45cm for 52 and below; 55cm for 53 to 5 7; and 65 cm for those 5 8 to 62.

Besides providing balance training the stability ball works the trunk in almost every exercise. The ball is a great tool for strengthening those hard to get to musclesthe deep muscles of the abdomen and the erector spinae muscles of the back as well as improving your balance and overall coordination.

When you are exercising on the stability ball as opposed to the floor the ball enables you to work more muscle groups, with more efficiency, for better and faster results.

If youve never used the ball before, stick with easier exercises. Find a club that has a ball class and learn from a professional. You can also order Fit ball Videos/DVDs that will start you out slowly and progress you at your own rate.

Dont use the ball on a hard surface without a sticky mat. The ball tends to slip out from underneath you when used on a wood or tile floor. Carpet is the best surface for ball use. Add a sticky mat under the ball before you attempt any exercises on hardwood/tile floors!!

Another idea for the budding beginner is to prop the ball up against a wall.youll eventually be able to use it free standing. You can also use "training wheels" by putting the ball between two sturdy chairs. If you are still uncomfortable, be sure you keep one hand on the ball or on the chair through the movements that require you to sit on the ball.

Be sure to perform one set of chosen exercises 2-3 non consecutive days a week. Reminder: Always warm up with 5/10 minutes of light cardio (i.e. walking, skipping, treadmilling) to get the blood flowing to the muscles so that they are ready to be challenged.

By strengthening your core you will also be eliminating back pain. Back pain is common because so many muscles have to contract and relax in order to allow you to stand and move. If you have weak muscles, poor posture, and/or excessive weight your back will be one of the first places to feel the strain.

If you use the ball in place of a chair, make sure it is a little less firm than if you were using it to exercise. The benefits that are derived from just sitting on the ball are phenomenal as compared to sitting on the floor or in a chair.

Your body responds naturally and automatically to the instability to keep balanced on the exercise ball. Over time the muscles used to keep you in balance on the Swiss exercise ball become stronger. You build strength in important back muscles and abdominal muscles without even knowing it.

Research shows that the type of movement induced by using an exercise ball (small range, adjustments of balance) by the spine may help reduce pain by stimulating natural pain inhibitors.

All in all the exercise ball seems to be one of the best tools for targeting the most worrisome parts of the female anatomy.

So, get on the ball!!

Bonnie Murphy is an expert at keeping "Mature" women fit and healthy. Visit conference calls unlimited to download a copy of her E-Book entitled "Discover the Secrets to leading a Fabulously Fit Lifestyle after 50". Email: href=" or Call: 907.646.4076