Saturday, July 26, 2008

Student Credit Cards

The high interest rate is necessary for the credit card company to maintain business. As a person with no credit, a student is a high risk candidate. This means that they have no idea whether you will pay back your balance or not, since you have no credit history for them to use as reference. Therefore, giving you a student credit card, which is essentially offering you a loan that you pay back on a monthly basis, is risky for companies like MBNA. So when you look at the MBNA credit card offer, be sure to read the fine print so that you know what you are agreeing to before you get caught in a cycle Slurpee high payments and increasing interest.

There are some features of the no credit credit card offered to students by MBNA that appeal directly to students. The biggest draw is perhaps the opportunity to get a credit card that pictures the students university on the front of the card. This commercial van insurance is very attractive to students and a fun aspect of the credit card offer.

When you go online to the MBNA website at, you will find a link to see credit card offers. You student loan consolidation faq follow the links to the student credit card page and the first thing you see is a long list of illustrated cards showing all the schools available to be features on your new card. The schools include the following institutions:

Arizona State University

Auburn University

Clemson University

Trustees of Dartmouth

Florida State University

Georgetown University

Indiana University

Iowa State University

Loyola College in Maryland

Michigan State raid data recovery Association

Ohio State Association

Penn State Alumni Association

Purdue University

St. Johns University

University of Texas A&M

University of Arizona

University of California at Los Angeles

University of Delaware

University of Georgia

University of Illinois

University of Miami

University of Michigan

University of Missouri

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

University of Pennsylvania

University of Pittsburg

University of Southern California

University of Texas

University of Utah

University of Wisconsin

Villanova University

But once you choose your school and begin to fill out the MBNA credit card application, you may notice that the terms of service, including interest Cool McCool penalties, and fees do not appear on this page. In fact, if you do not click the small link at the bottom of the page for terms, you will not see these throughout the entire application process.

Javier Polanco offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning credit cards. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting