How a Pack of Cards Tells You 4 Ways to Achieve Your Dreams
The universe can be explained by a pack of cards. The four suits tell you what Midge doll do with your life.
Hearts - 1954 Bowman baseball cards and follow your dreams. Find your purpose and know how to get and keep real love in your heart, in your life. Know that love Dunny the creative source below all else and can bring anything you really and truly desire into being. This tells you that you are a spiritual and creative being who can solve anything, can achieve anything, can experience anything - that you really, really want to.
Diamonds - The money in your life is the result of the value you produce. There are basic principles that economics is based on. These haven't ever changed. Find them, learn them, and you will be able to accumulate any amount of wealth. But know that wealth isn't dollars, or pounds, or euro's or any of these symbols of paper flying around the planet as digital ones and zero's. Wealth is value. And the primary principle of wealth and commerce is to Thingmaker in order to get. You have to produce value and give it away before someone is going to give you something valuable in return. So build your life around developing truly valuable stuff you can get a valuable exchange from. But know you have to give, first.
Clubs - there is a necessity for the rule of law. Not that this law is supposed to defend people (although it does) or that it is going to make the streets safe, or bring world peace (although these things do also occur naturally). And there is a certain amount of control that has to be exerted on people who are trying to test these laws. The rule of law is based on how the universe operates. We've already covered some of these - there are more for you to find out and uncover for yourself. But there is an underlying system of how everything works and this isn't taught in any school, but every single successful person you know about found most or all of these principles and put them to work to make their own success. Find and follow the laws of this universe and you'll be prosperous, safe, and healthy.
Spades - "Plan your work and work your plan." To get anything on this planet, you're going to have to invest your time and give something in exchange. Dreams don't become reality unless you DO something. Otherwise, they are always just day-dreams. When you know what your purpose is - what makes you happy, what really brings joy to you, what you like to do - then you'll also know the immediate steps you need to take to improve this life and make it happen. As you go, you'll keep finding better ways to do things. Your plans will revise. You won't know all the steps you need to take, just the beginning ones. But you need to ACT on those steps you already know you need to do.
And if you know what you really need to be doing and do them, if you know and follow your purpose, if you create value in everything you do, if you know how this universe really works and follow its rules - then you'll have all the wealth, happiness, health, and anything/everything else you could possibly need or want to make your Strawberry Shortcake become reality.
* All in a pack of cards.
Dr. Robert C. Worstell has written, edited, and published over 4 dozen books - after studying the human experience for over 35 years. Read his books at His current projects and list of his many blogs, as well as his social network profiles can be found at