Friday, January 16, 2009

Strategies to Learn English - Part 1

In the present world scenario, in most of the places, people has been using English (American, British, Australian, etc) for business communication. There are a few pockets in this world, where English is not spoken. But, majority of the people in the world speak, read, and write English; they also use it to further their business needs, skills, and requirements. People who are from non-native English speaking countries need to learn this language separately as their second language, whereas native speakers, whose first language is English, not only speak it fluently since their childhood but also use it in their day-to-day interactions.

Strategy 1: Memorizing English word with the related mother tongue word through rote learning.

This is normally followed by most of the people while learning English in the initial stages. People, who have csr insurance memory power can benefit from this kind of rote learning. The ultimate achievement in learning a language is to use it in regular day-to-day life. So, people who are good at this strategy need to concentrate on how to use the words, they learn from time-to-time, in their regular life.

Strategy 2: Understanding and memorizing English word and its meaning; all in English only.

People using this strategy are one step ahead of those, who memorize English word with the related mother tongue word through rote learning. This strategy requires people to understand English better and have at the same time good memory power and retention skills.

Strategy 3: Understanding, memorizing English word and forming student loan consolidation interest rates own sentence using the same word.

This strategy is for those people who are able to understand English and are also capable of constructing grammatically correct sentences with a few words. Ideally speaking, this kind of learning increases the retention capacity of the mind because, following this strategy, the person is trying to link the word with a known context, that also, in English.

Strategy 4: Memorizing English words just by following a blind logic (for ex: preparing a list of words by following logic like starting every word with the ending letter of its preceding word)

Normally, one can see this kind of strategy in English-learning books, magazines, etc. This again comes under rote-learning strategy. One way, it allows one to memorize a few words. While remembering the words, one can also learn meanings of each word.

Strategy 5: Studying the root word and its related words and memorizing them by using the same in sentences and also by reviewing

This is also an advanced strategy. There are few good English-learning books out there, which had followed this kind of strategy. Readers of these books need to understand the root word for a particular group of words; by understanding the logic, not only one can easily memorize a few groups of words within a short span of time but also learn their related meanings.

Strategy 6: Gather beautiful phrases from your readings; review and use them in your day-to-day life

This is a different kind of advanced strategy; people who can understand, speak and write an average-level of English can follow this one. This strategy involves reading a lot; whatever you read and whenever you come across beautiful phrases (a sequence of two or more words that does not contain subject, verb, etc, but acts as a unit in a sentence) jot them down, try to understand the meaning, and use them quite often in the relevant contexts, wherever possible.

Strategy 7: Gathering and jotting down new words wherever and whenever you come across them.

This is a helpful strategy for everybody who wants to improve their English vocabulary. This strategy involves reading a lot; where and when a new word appears, jot it down, haunt its meaning in dictionary, and use it in your day-to-day interaction.

The Role of a Webmaster in Your Internet Business

A webmaster is one of the most important person in term life insurance quotes Internet business. This person should be one who is reliable, and can work quickly. An agile mind with efficient coding ability is what you should be looking out for.

In many circumstances, your Internet business will need changes to be made on the site fairly quickly. Therefore, it's only reasonable to assume that your webmaster can keep up with the demand of the job. For example, you may be doing a product launch, and you desperately need the site to be up by a certain date. So your webmaster needs to get things organized - setup the graphics, setup the emails, etc. All must be completed within the time frame. Otherwise, you will get a lot of complains from angry customers.

So let's talk a little bit about the role of the webmaster in your Internet business. What exactly is he (or she) responsible for in your Internet business? There are no standard answers for a question like this. It all depends on your agreement with your webmaster. And your agreement depends on the needs of your Internet business. So to re-frame the question, it would be better to ask what does your Internet business need?

Graphics work.

Obviously, all websites need to be updated with the latest graphics. Graphics can be logos, photos, posters, and so on. These need to be posted on the website on a regular basis. If your webmaster is too busy with other stuff, such tasks can be outsourced. Of course, your webmaster will still need to supervise the work and stay on top of things.

Development work.

Webmasters should also be competent when it comes to coding. There are many different types of web programming languages on the Internet - PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, CFM, etc. The most popular is PHP. Make sure that the webmaster you hire is familiar with the language that you are currently using on your website.

Development work means working on bugs on the website and coming up with new features. As you can see, there is never ending work for new features. So it's easy to overload your webmaster with too much work. The key here is to stay organized. Make a weekly plan to roll out the features, and work on them one at a time. That way, it's easier to have quality control, and the work gets done.

Maintaining the website.

This is another key area that your webmaster should be in charge of. Maintaining a website means keeping everything ship shape. If there is a broken link, fix it. If there are spam emails coming from the site, work on it. If there are trouble makers posting nonsense on the forum, ban them.

Professional webmasters provide quality services that cover all the above areas. You can easily hire a webmaster from an online webmaster forum. Such community sites are where webmasters hang out, and you can easily pick up a few good webmasters from there.

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