Figure It Out For Yourself
Do you know what injury lawyers takes to be successful at sales and marketing? Come up with a plan that works for you. That's the key. Develop a system that works for you and that you enjoy.
Throughout your career, you'll encounter a number of people who will tell you they have perfected the system that's just right for you. All you have to do is follow their system and you'll be successful. They may be your sales manager or a sales specialty company with a canned approach.
Well, just because it works for them, doesn't mean it'll work for you. It's THEIR system. Of course it works for them. They created it around their comfort zone. Have you ever tried to do something someone else's way? Usually you'll find that it doesn't fit; it doesn't feel right.
So many salespeople and small business owners try it this way. They so want to be given the magic plan. Unfortunately, what happens is they try it. It doesn't work or feel right. So, they get frustrated and just stop. It becomes a block instead of a flow. Sound familiar? Maybe this has happened to you or someone you know.
The truth is that the sales process is as individual as the salesperson. While there are certain 'must haves' of sales, what you do and how you do it are up to you. There are many ways of accomplishing the same thing - the sale.
Let's take a look at the Must Haves.
-You must get in front of people
-You must prospect
-You must market
So, how do you accomplish these things? It depends on who you are, what you're selling, and where your comfort zone is. Do you enjoy going door to door? Maybe you're a letter writer. Does it make sense to speak before groups of people? Or create and distribute a newsletter? Should you be networking or mass mailing? Or both?
Will Rogers said, "If you want to be successful, it's just this simple: know what you're doing. Love what you're doing. And believe in what you're doing."
It really is that simple. When you figure out the process that you are most comfortable with, put it into action. You'll be more successful because it's yours. And you'll be more energized to keep plugging away because you'll be comfortable and realizing results.
I was reminded of this by one of my clients this week. She felt like she was in a rut with her marketing. As we talked, we revisited the various methods she had used to attract new business. In the end, she realized that when she did the things she mesothelioma compensation she found people responding to her. It was enjoyable and easy to add clients.
It then builds on itself. The more enjoyable, the more you'll do it, and therefore, the more clients you'll realize.
The opposite of course, is true. If you aren't comfortable with the methods you are using to increase sales, you won't get very far. Prospective clients sense your discomfort. They just don't know the cause - so they are left to presume that either you don't believe what you are telling them, or you are selling an inferior product or service. Either way - they aren't going to be eager to buy.
And you won't sell for long. The frustration and disappointment will cause you to avoid the process all together. And remember - Must Have #1 is You Must Missouri Lemon Laws In Front of People!
So, take a good look at who you are and where you're comfortable. Talk with other salespeople to learn what they do and make note of those processes that sound like things you could easily do. Now build a sales plan around that information. Create YOUR system and work it daily. You'll capture greater results than you ever could using someone else's plan.
Copyright 2007 Seize This Day Coaching
Diane Helbig is a Professional Coach, and the president of Seize This Day Coaching. She works one-on-one and in groups with small business owners, entrepreneurs, and salespeople to help them create successful business development strategies. As a team, they embrace the possibilities. Diane's website is and her blog is