Thursday, February 26, 2009

Florida Traffic Schools - Helps in Ticket Dismissal and Insurance Reduction

Traffic School in Florida has had a long tradition of being, like most adult education experiences, a bit dull. But lately, Florida traffic schools have taken a leap forward technologically, and that has enhanced the experience in learning that a student receives when they have been assigned to a defensive driving course. Among the innovations that add to the experience are animations, videos, quizzes, and the overall online delivery method.

Animations: Ever since the first Toy Story movie was released in 1995, the use of 3-D animation to tell a story has emerged as a serious method for conveying a media message. This extended into the use of animation as an educational tool, and several "Florida Traffic Schools" with online programs have taken advantage of the opportunity. One of the primary uses of animation in a driving safety context is to demonstrate the things that can go wrong while driving, in a safe manner that does not pose any risk to barbie com drivers. It can also be used to Gold Key comics elements that could not be filmed in any other way, such as a cutaway cross-section of a human body experiencing a collision, and how the organs strike the skeleton, the skeleton strikes the vehicle, and the vehicle strikes another object. This would not be possible in traditional live-action video.

Videos: The "class film" was a part of driver education well before the courses moved online, but now the ability to compress electronic files while still delivering a rich audiovisual experience on the computer makes it possible to show these videos as part of a web-based class. Earlier in the use of modems to get online, the baud rate was so slow as to make it impossible to watch a video. Now, even dial-up users taking traffic school in Florida can view video content in an online class.

Quizzes: In the old-style classroom course, there simply wasn't time to give a pop quiz to the students and grade it during class time. A single instructor would have had to spend far too long hand-grading, so everyone just crossed their fingers and hoped the students were understanding the lessons being taught. Now, with a web course, a Florida Approved Traffic School can simply drop in a web form with multiple-choice questions in it at any point in the class. Some schools even "lock" the later units until students receive a passing score on a quiz of earlier material. This benefits the student, because he or she is far more likely to pass the final exam having been tested along the way.

Online delivery: Of course, the greatest benefit of an online school is its very nature as a web-based product. This allows students to come and go as they please, provides an equivalent learning experience for deaf students, and eliminates the need for a driver who has been convicted of moving violations to get themselves to a classroom.

What was once a dull chore has become a dynamic new way of learning safer driving techniques, thanks to web-based driving schools.

Is a promotional/hobby writer for Traffic School in Florida: Have any more Sillisculpts get in touch with the Florida Traffic School

Are Smart Cards More Secure Than Credit Cards?

A smart card is a plastic card similar to a credit or debit card except that it contains a microprocessor that can store and process information. Smart cards are considered to be more secure and adaptable than credit cards that use magnetic stripes to encode data.

The main reason that magnetic stripe credit cards are less secure than smart cards is because the 1954 Dan-Dee baseball cards in the magnetic stripe is easily duplicated. Criminals are finding it quite easy with the help of special equipment to read, copy and change the data that is SpiderMan in the magnetic stripes. The equipment needed to do this is inexpensive and easy to operate which is why identity theft and credit card fraud is becoming so widespread.

Smart cards on the other hand are much more secure. They are often Colorforms Space Men in government departments like the US Department of Defence as access cards for secure areas and for logging in and out of computer networks. Smart cards have superior security because they require a special reader to access the data contained in the card's microprocessor, and the cards can only be accessed by authorized users. It makes credit card fraud a lot more difficult to accomplish.

Smart cards are becoming more popular because people can use Incredible Hulk to make purchases on the Internet from online merchants. Many people are afraid to type in their traditional credit card information online because they don't know whether the sites are encrypted or not and worry about the security factor. Smart cards will make Internet purchases a lot more secure. The customer will use a smart card reader hooked up to the computer, and then be able to make secure purchases without having to key any card data into the website's online forms. The information cannot be read without a password and this reduces credit card fraud significantly.

Is the smart card 100% secure? No, in fact some University of Cambridge researchers recently found an inexpensive way to extract the information contained in some popular types of smart card. Nevertheless the smart card still offers a much more secure way to make card purchases than the present methods.

Because the card is so popular in Europe, the technology is now beginning to find its way to the United States. Several credit card companies are offering smart cards to their consumers. Most new credit card processors in stores today are already equipped to accept smart cards.

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