Saturday, January 10, 2009

Video Marketing Tips - How Crazy Should You Get?

Video marketing can be very effective for many niches. One question many marketers have is how outrageous they should get with their videos. Well, the answer to that question depends on what niche they're in and what kind of message they're trying to get across. In this article, I'm going to explore a few examples to show you how each niche is going to have its own "best" way of getting the message out there.

Let's take, for example, the niche of medical problems. It really doesn't matter whether it's something as minor as acne or as serious as cancer. When you're dealing with people's medical problems, you don't want to make light of the situation. Take a look at all the commercials on the tube for medical conditions. They're all very tastefully done and very serious in tone. I don't think having a clown jumping out of a cake is going to go over big for somebody battling lung cancer.

On the other hand, videos associated with entertainment better be very, well, entertaining. In this case, the crazier the better. You want the video to stand out. Think of some of the most insane videos you've ever seen related to entertainment. Some of them are downright hilarious. Some even border good taste, but good taste or not, they're memorable. People are not likely to forget that clown jumping out of a cake and getting bombed by a flock of seagulls.

But what about the in between niches? What about something discount Prozac real estate? I can definitely see crazy commercials and videos going over big in real estate. For example, say you're selling a book on how to sell your home during an economic crisis. You might come out with a video where the seller is being mobbed by all kinds of people just dying to buy his home. And the camera turns to him and he says something like, "Until I found XYZ Sell Your Home Yourself, I couldn't get anybody interested in my house. Mississippi Lemon Laws I have to beat them off with a stick." And then you show the guy actually beating the people off with a big stick.

Visuals are hard to forget...especially if they're outrageous. So look at the niche you're in and see if outrageous videos fit in with it.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Want to find out how to create killer videos like my friend Kevin Riley and rake in a 6 figure income like he and I do? Check out my review of his dynamite product at my blog at


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