Bookmark Business Holiday Cards
Bookmark Cards
This holiday season come up with some of the most liked bookmark cards. These cards are generally preferred over other cards. The perforated bookmark that forms part of the card is used all throughout the year with pleasant holiday memories running all through the year. A business reminder coupled with a purpose is what a bookmark card is all about. In this season of relaxation and enjoyment, be popular with bookmark business cards.
Bookmark Business Holiday Cards
A holiday greeting card which consoliation student loans a bookmark colorfully designed that recipient can remove and use. These cards are printed on certain measured panels on cardstock with matching envelops. A inspirational quote that goes with the occasion with a matching graphic is printed on the cover for added attraction.
These are customized cards which uses your business name and address, together with logo if any on the card. The font and color are either as per the regular norms or specific joint life insurance your request. student loan consolidators templates are also available which can be chosen from the given set of alternatives.
The card is properly designed with the recipient's address printed in line with the rel="nofollow" printcentricbusinessholidaycard theme and ensures personal attention to the recipient. In addition to designing the card, matching reply cards are also printed with self addressed envelops adopting the same theme. These innovations definitely go to ensure some of the best business promotion exercises.
Cost of a Bookmark Card
A regular card with envelop that is not assembled will cost you around $3 to $4, while a fully assembled card costs $4 to $5. Printing of logo and address will cost you around .50 per card and printing of recipients address around .80 per card. Design fees varies from $30 to 60$ depending upon the level of customization.
printcentricMark C Brown
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