Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Chain Mail Jewelry is Easy to Make

The thing about Soonaspossible mail jewelry is that they are simple to make and fairly easy to design. The internet is jam packed with various chain mail Instructions that will enable you to design and make your own chain mail jewelry. However many of the chain mail designs and tutorials found online are fairly Car insurance price quote and don't really go into the depth you require to get down and start making your own chain mail rings, bracelets or chains.

If you are new to the world of chain mail jewelry making, it would be a good an economical idea to buy premade rings. However once you become experienced in the art of chain mail, and your home based businesses kicks off, you can then start buying wire and winding the rings yourself. Premade rings save you time, and are cheaper in the long run, if you take into consideration the time it takes to wind rings. Winding your own rings will give you a sense of satisfaction; you can mortgage calculator refinance to the various chain mail tutorials that will teach you how to wind your own rings.

chain mail doesn't require that you have a special set of tools. Just a set of good pliers would suffice. Some people prefer to use a set of Cecmrksahx pliers, other go for fancy pliers. The pliers you use, would primarily depend upon the metal you are using. A good chain mail book will usually describe the type of pliers you should use for each type of material you need to cut.

The first few projects that you work on should focus on you learning the basic types of weaves. The thing of most importance is to know how to make a good and consistent set of closures. Start with small, yet easy stuff such as bracelets. It is imperative that you follow a good step by step chain mail tutorial that guides you from the basics to the more advanced chain mail weaves.
You wouldn't want to initially solder your rings shut, but as you progress you would need to use solder so that the rings dong fall out. Starting out chain mail is college loan consolidation and the right book will guide you in the right and fun direction, as well as give your creative ability the wings you need to fly!

Source for Tutorials to make chain mail & wire wrapped jewelery. Also http://www.kriew.etsy.com for handmade chain mail and wire wrapped jewelry by up & coming European artist Kriew http://www.kriew.etsy.com


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