The Simple Clothes Closet - Making The Most Of The Space You Have
Do you stand and stare into the closet wondering what to wear? Are your dresser drawers overflowing and now you are putting things on the shelves and leaving them in the clothes baskets? If so, you are like I was when one day I just decided that I couldn't live like this any longer. Something had to be done. But what?
I guess we are in for a big sort out. I was holding on to things that had outlived their usefulness. So, lets see where we can start.
First take the things out of the closet one by one and put them into piles. 1. Out of date things that can go to the charity shop. 2. 4chan from before you went on the diet that are still good but too big. The question is; can they be altered? 3. Clothes that are too small for when you dieted but put back on a little weight. 4. Clothes that are completely worn out. 5. Clothes that you don't like. 6. Clothes that are alright but don't fit properly or are uncomfortable. 7. Clothes that you are wearing now and are suitable.
Quite a load of things. First things first. Lose the sentimentality and box up the #1, #2, #3 and #4. Next have a look at the shoes. Get rid of shoes that don't fit or are worn out. This should quite take care of the closet. You might have filtered over into other closets in the house so away you go to sort those out as well.
Once all that has been handled, it is time to have a look at the drawers. The Betty and Barney Hill piles for the drawers. Here, however, we can say that if you have good sweaters in the drawers that fit and are in good shape that you want to keep, just hang them on hangers. You should have a lot of hangers left from sorting the closet.
Hang the tops, Mandrake the skirts, dresses then slacks. Keep this orderly so you will know exactly what you have and everything in your closet now should be something that you like, that fits and is suitable to wear.
Just flat rate data recovery out the old underthings that seem to stay there forever even after you have replaced them with new. Sort the pajamas and night gowns and be very aggressive with all this. If you haven't worn something in six months you don't need it so out it goes. Really go through everything.
The next step is quite a neat one. Get a pencil and paper and take a type of inventory of what is left. A good wardrobe will contain; seven days of underthings plus stockings; three or so night gowns, two nice dresses for good, two nice skirts with dressy blouses, at least three long sleeved sweaters; several short sleeved tops, at least three pairs of slacks plus jeans if you wear them. If you live in a four season climate you will also need three pairs of shorts or light cotton skirts plus cool tops. Accessories will include some scarves and gloves, bathing suit, bathing suit cover up. You also will require either a coat or jacket for two or three seasons plus boots and hats for winter. You should have one good pair of shoes for dress, a casual pair, possibly some sneakers and sandals and some house shoes or slippers.
These are approximates, but there is enough there for a week of comfortable wear. Really suppress the impulse to buy more and more clothes. Once you have taken your inventory and if you discover some things are missing from your basic wardrobe, you may purchase your requirements. Limit yourself to the space you have.
Once every year, go through this exercise and send things off to the Good Will etc. You will be happy and some other people who receive these things will also be delighted.
Tip of the Day
Do this same sort out with your husband's things and your
children. They probably won't even notice and it will make
for a more organized home and save a lot of time.
Comedy Corner
"My wardrobe has three sizes; before diet;
after diet; need to diet again."
Linda is a retired piano teacher in Toronto married to the retired Chief Works Supervisor of the Water Supply for Toronto. She is interested in all environmental issues, budgeting, homemaking, frugal living and shopping, recycling, reducing, reusing and all things green. Currently she is working on a project with her friend/partner on how to make your life more simple.
Linda has a golden retriever dog named Rusty and a cat named Dusty. She is also involved in The Therapeutic Paws of Canada and her Rusty will be a regular visitor at a nearby nursing home. When she has spare time, she likes to play the piano with her duet partner and also her husband.
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